This is a new english documentary from the Islamic Army in Iraq.regarding the anti-war activities.and we would like you to join us to stop this war and make the world a peaceful place.
Divx 309 MB
I can't find his name on icasualties.org
It is too kind of IAI to pass these private effects back to his family via the internet.
It is not a pity about GameBoy Lee, he was too stupid to live. Well done to the Resistance team who put an end to his misery - that is the JUBA exit strategy, 100% proven effective. Keep up the good work, Resistance Heroes.
Now dumb Yankis want to send some fresh chickenshit 'Sturmers' to the 'Troop Disposal Unit' that is Baghdad ?? ( Here is how they will be welcomed at the RPG-Grill in Heat City - http://www.4shared.com/file/7583449/86fea149/121212_NEW.html )
Surge it, oh yeah, Baby, SURGE IT, come on, Bigger, Harder, Faster - Surge it you skYanki MuthaFuckers, Surge, Purge + Flush, Surge, Purge + Flush, Surge, Purge + Flush - until not one single Goddam Hillbilly Invader remains alive.
Way to GO - USA number DUMB !!
-----------------------------------FREE IRAQ … UNITY + VICTORY TO ITS HEROIC RESISTANCE ARMIES !!
Revolutionary Defeatism At Home - Rome Was Not Burnt In A Day !!
We All Have A Part To Play In The Downfall of skYanki Evil Empire !!
ORGANISE to SMASH ZionistUS/UK dreams of 'full-spectrum domination' !!
I think this video clearly show the real sophisticated Iraqi resistance forces. I've been reading many reports in Internet that claim that Iraqi resistance kill at least 400 Americans every month (not only 100 or so the Pentagon claim). After seeing this movie I believe the Iraqies.
Iraqies have a clear and an honorable cause for their fighters, they are defending their country. In contrary, American soldiers have no incentive to fight. They just don't know why they are there. America has no chance to win this war.
Hang Bush today
I thought after watching the death of Abu Musab Al Zarqawi last year, that I had shed my last tear for this world... but here we go again!
I gave your website a front page link on my site. It should help since the military are always watching that place.
I would like to ask that you remove the graphic picture of the body from the Pictures Gallery - Americans can't even deal with where meat comes from and if they see that, they will misinterpret your intensions, which so far as I can tell, seem guenuine. Let's not spoil that, ok?
The Ninth Scribe
Check out this news: http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/01/05/dead.letters.ap/index.html
Very funny but very sad, (Army asks dead to sign up for another hitch). Yet another proof that the Pentagon doesn't count all Americans died in Iraq.
what if he is still alive >???
there is no prove that he is dead
please join Islamic State of Iraq and Mujahideen Shura Council!
please join Islamic State of Iraq
Allah hu akbar Allah Hu akbar Allah Hu Akbar, LONG LIVE ISLAM!
Re: please join Islamic State of Iraq and Mujahideen Shura Council!
I almost ended up in a world of trouble for posting a warning to Zarqawi back in February last year (to watch out for GPS) but it didn't help save him! I've dealt Bush a few good blows, but he's a nasty soul and very resourceful. I told Sistani about who I believe was to blame for Askyara (and why) and JUS just released the English version of Zarqawi's interview (which backs up my own statements). We're getting there, so just concentrate on staying alive. It's almost over... you know that!
Ninth Scribe
to :Ninth Scribe
The picture was deleted ...
For more information it belongs to citizen killed in "Fallujah war 2" afer using weapons of mass destruction by US army .
ninth scribe, please post the link to your site so that we get some useful info.
You can't find his name in a list of casualties because he isn't actually dead. He's stateside at the moment and probably will be stationed in Iraq again next year. Nice try dim-wits.
Hmm looks more like an effort by americans to propagate this video from iraqi insurgents. The server and whois info shows this is a US based service provider. I doubt it that Americans would let their enemies host sites from their own country. This is another botched effort to spread lies and it has failed.
Where is the proof ?
we want lee's latest picture or we want ABC news to make an interview with him ....what a lie
I cant see any indication that IAI mentioned that lee is dead ....the exact sentense is "A flash memory drive was found after ِِA Humvee was blown up, it belongs to a U.S. Army Specialist, who served in Iraq. In his personal flash drive was a letter he planed to send to his family for the Christmas holidays"
and if he is alive ...It will not affect the film ...many of US soldiers killing each day ...but not many have the same thought as LEE .
I would like to say somthing to all the Americans who are reading in this blog.
What the IAI is trying to say beside that they are are not terrorists and they are just a resistance to the Iranian ( supported by the US goverment ) invasion.
the media is playing a major role in this war. The IAI is trying to say that the acutall numbers of dead US soldiers are more than 3000 Soldier,aloooot more .it is said that the number is even more than 33,000 soldier. of course this will be proven by the end of the war.
If you want a prove that the media is laying to the people then why they don't make an interview with Lee to show that the IAI is simply trying to turn the US people against Bush.
belive me. they , the media, will show nothing .
I just want people to remember that. on the 6th of january 2007 the IAI showed that a soldier of the US army ( lee) was dead and the media didn't report that.
And thats only the tip of the iceberg
lol total horseshit. Muslims are not like these dumbasses who made this video. The people who create crap like this work for Satan, and will only let you believe what they want you to believe. They hate western countries, but that doesn't keep them from running windows on a sony vaio does it? If you hate the west so much how come you use OUR innovations? It amazes me that muslims are welcomed in the US, but anyone who worships Christianity in a muslim country is putting their life in danger. Satanic people like this will get what they deserve, and it can't come soon enough. It is obvious that this video is fake, the speaker is reading, not speaking his mind. The voice of "Lee" seems distorted and if modifed through software.
Any of the origional intentions that began this war have long since departed. It's become self sustaining through the US military and middle eastern resistance. Due to the amount of resources each side is willing to devote to it who is to say when it will actually end, or any conclusions be drawn to warrant a cease fire. The fact is, people are dying for absolutely no reason in such a number that it has lost all meaning. Protesting it on either side will serve no good, my best suggestion is to ignore it
Assalamu aleikum,
IAI brothers, please join Islamic State of Iraq, it's what we hope to see.
lol....bird dog
IAI is trying to prove that the US Media is lying on the americans people...
and you trying to prove that Lee is Alive (BY THE SAME MEDIA) HOW??? those are a bunch of liers how could you you believe them ???
To ABCnews : The soldier we meant is Lee Kendell Tucker not Lee Kimball Tucker …. so we dont know how did the U.S. army reported he is "alive and well !!" , and how did your reporters took this words from the family of Kimball Tucker who didnt recognize the face of their son ?!!
Thanks for taking the photo down. I have reported this through official channels, but they're busy right now trying to prevent the troop surge in Iraq, which is obviously more important.
Anonymous said... To ABCnews : The soldier we meant is Lee Kendell Tucker not Lee Kimball Tucker …. so we dont know how did the U.S. army reported he is "alive and well !!" , and how did your reporters took this words from the family of Kimball Tucker who didnt recognize the face of their son ?!!
They will not get off with just the brief statement. The military will be required to produce this soldier... and for their sake they better be able to do that, because it would be a public disgrace to be involved in the cover-up of a soldier's death.
The Ninth Scribe
It Was Written: ninth scribe, please post the link to your site so that we get some useful info.
You only have to click my name on this post to gain access. It is not a website dedicated to current events. It is primarily intended to address and resolve a number of ancient disputes that have effected our present day.
Why just treat the symptoms?
The Ninth Scribe
Believe me, folks, this LLFL video is hurting the US government strategic
brain-bug's agenda for even greater war crimes in the Middle East - and now they
are stumbling and clumsily trying to make the facts about poor morale and
corruption in their military, as exposed by the above LLFL video, disappear
behind a synthetic smoke-screen of fresh lies - they will probably attempt to
produce propaganda claiming this poor soldier is 'Alive and Well', to cover up
the fact that their military men are deserting, fragging their officers and
comitting suicide rather than face a merciless enemy whom they have no good
reason to fight.
Maybe they will even 'resurrect' Lee on TV as a talking head dubbed in by
computer SFX department (like Bin Ladin), but nobody will ever see Mr Tucker in
the flesh again - no sir - he will never be available for LIVE interviews with
INDEPENDENT media — "You see — he is on holidays at the moment, in .. ehm, ..
Timbucktoo, or no, wait a moment, I mean, he's gone back to Iraq! Sorry, you
just missed him!"
At the latest since 911 we all know how far we can trust the US government's
declarations, as relayed by collaborating main-stream media - US government and
its pet newspapers are well known for telling the truth ... hummn?
And of course, we all believe US soldiers are really glamour boys, miraculously
surviving each direct hit by massive IED and sniper attack, while continuing
wearing their sun-glasses and chewing on their juicy fruit chewing gums like
cows. Haha, sure! And the people in Iraq are throwing them rose petals in their
path ...
What do these Pentagon propaganda salesapes think we are, complete idiots?
While not wanting to raise false hopes, however, it must be reported that
Lee Tucker's friends among the anti-war movement back home in USA have reason to
believe that he is NOT ACTUALLY DEAD (which is why there is no mourning) but that
he has in fact willingly switched sides, and GONE OVER TO fight with the IRAQI
RESISTANCE, bringing them the flash-drive and other important intelligence and
targetting data. While still to be confirmed, this appears to be the first reported case in
what could become a new trend - and certainly helps explain the increasing
casualty rates amongst remaining US troops.
In fact, it is well-known among certain savvy circles that this LLFL film is
just an elaborate cover device by the IAI to keep US miltary police hounds
off the tracks of their latest recruit, while Lee gets bizzy with his new
job as an intelligence officer inside the Resistance and his wife starts picking
up those Army pension checks and going for discreet little weekend 'holidays' to
Syria! Dumb old Uncle Sam need be none the wiser to the fact that he's now paying
the Resistance men to kick his fat ass in Iraq!! Haha, perfect, is it not?
Good for them. Vive la Résistance!
Snatch this film before the links are suspended - the USA government, CIA and
military censorship committees sure are working overtime to actively suppress
this subversive movie !!!
Keep free speech alive, Help in spreading the truth to the last
edge of the internet and remember ..
bvvm said:
Snatch this film before the links are suspended - the USA government, CIA and
military censorship committees sure are working overtime to actively suppress
this subversive movie !!!
This IAI site is indeed hosted by server from US. Same goes for majority of other insurgent sites like Jaish Abi Bakr. Check whois info on both and it says that both of em are hosted in US. I think the US authorities probably know that their "enemies" aka "Al qaida buddies" are spreading news "propaganda" using US resources. If they dont then its just ol' intelligence failure.
The Americans need to do something with the Govt, your voice must be heard.. please change your Govt.. even the Democrats are having a problem of stopping Bush n his friends of businessman.. Please respect other people's privacy, country,sovereignty.. if there is trouble, let they deal by themselves but instead the US Govt choose to interfere (based on past histories) especially countries that can benefit the US businessman in the long run.. a lot of people hate US not because we hate the Americans but because of the US Govt n military actions in other countries, sanctions etc. Maybe one day Americans will faced the sanctions.. only then they will realized other people endless sufferings.. Allah SWT has remind you repeatedly with the natural disasters (flood,tornado,fire outbreak etc) but still you wont repent.. WALLahu'alam
"Spc.LEE KENDEll TUCKER (U.S Marine-590-80-5469" I think this whole thing is bullshit just like your quote on your home page. Spc is an Army rank dipshit. I will say that Al Qaida thanks you for your support.
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks
I think people should reach the family of lee tucker in Florida east cost and film an interview with them as soon as possible to stop this argument, and that wont be a hard thing if they weren't threatened by the government. the guy(lee) have mentioned enough information that can lead to his parents and friends , the city he lived in, the names of his friends, his middle and last name, and he is away for three years for the war in iraq.
yep, i think if the US public, or at least those who held the reigns of the country had thoughts and ideas like this guy Tucker, the world would have indeed been "a safer place"... There would have been no need to attack Iraq, things like 9-11 would'nt have needed to take place and the word "terrorist" wouldnt be used so loosely... You don't create wars to "make the world safer", its against logic.
lol you Idiots ..
How come that you belive ABC news when it is an american news network?
Suppose they are true, and Lee is still alive , where is their proof?
Was it hard to video capture him saying something like "today is february 10th 2007" , so we belive them and say the IAI are liers ? :)
Besides you freaking morons, nobody has said that it is Lee's voice. It is said that the letter was written by him, and not the voice is his.
So open up ur minds, or else blow them apart :)
Hail Islam
well good jobs guys.
you are a resistance force and if you dont defeat my contry america in iraq then dont forget these dogs will kill more of your people.
america needs to be thought a lesson.
Ok, I just watched the video. I’m a soldier, and an Iraq Vet from the 101st..same unit.
Myself, I agree that the US should redeploy from Iraq soon, but for different reasons from most of you. I just want to say that this video is not real. Anyone who has been in the army and deployed to Iraq for more than a day would recognize the numerous inaccuracies. The devil is in the detail. Little things like “we were assigned a guard mission for a Halliburton convey” We call them "escort" missions, for KBR. Nobody would say guard mission. “mounted the Humvee’s tower” It is called a turret, not a tower. Also KBR convoys come from Kuwait not Jordan, always TCNs from Jordan. “day when the Pentagon recruiters came to enlist us” What is he talking about? The Pentagon recruiters came to enlist him…to work in the Pentagon?
“because you can excuse yourself from a night shift with a few dollars, and with more dollars you can skip the Humvee tower watch” I don’t even know what he is talking about here, Humvee tower watch? A few dollars and get excused? What kind of Platoon is he in? “Marijuana rolled cigarettes” OK, come on guys..WHO says Marijuana rolled cigarettes, is he from 1932? “My dormitory for example is under the GDN gang’s control” His dormitory? Where is he that he lives in a dorm? Even back in the states we call it Barracks…and he’s in a tent I thought. I’m not even going to go into how stupid the “gang” thing is. “His boots and rifle were upside down, hanged on it” why are his boots upside down? “as usual, the sirens went on” Sirens tend to "go off"..who says the Siren went on? “Mortar attack right at your bunk in your dormitory- Suicidal operation - Or more interestingly, watching yourself falling down in your own warplane” Do I even have to go into this one? Ahh, my warplane is falling down!? “my colleagues Mathew, Parry and Douglas started smashing the house, and hitting the house owner and his young son with the butt of their guns until they both faded all because they couldn’t understand us” You “raid” a house. colleagues? Smashing the house? The home owner? Who talks like this? Btw: you always bring a terp so the whole misunderstanding him thing does not even make sense…much like everything else. There is much more, but I’m getting sleepy. Who ever wrote this was never a soldier, and I doubt a native English speaker. Stop believing everything you hear.
الله أكبر
go IAI goooooooo,,
Allah will glorify you
to those who say that we hate the west
we don't hate the west,
we hate only who hates us :)
we kill only who kills us :)
veeeeeery simple, our equation is so sample,
we do not kill christians in our countries, they live with us in prosperity and peace.
christians who live with us, hate you, just like us, why? because you kill both muslims and christians.
leave our countries, and you will never hear about terrorism, NEVER !!!
just try to leave us alone, and you'll see how peacefull we are.
u gotta experience to leave us alone, it's ganna be reaaaally peacefull and nice.
Go SNIPER, kill those who rape our sisters and daughters,
Go IAI, bombard all those creazy and criminal people who bombard us.
Allah is the greatest,
u gotta tell us how this sentence is hard for you. it makes you scared hein? ALLAHO AKBAR
May Allah glorify IRAQ and IAI, and guide all the movements of resistance to the right path.
Islamic Country of Iraq, kill Americans, don't kill your brothers.
Assalam 3alaykom
Peace BE upon you
I agree with Sgt James, who ever wrote this is not an American soldier.Almost all the terminology is wrong, nobody feels the need to tell their own parents what state they are from, and nobody over 10 still believes in Santa. But all that is beside the point, the details are off but the message remains accurate. The person who did write this is trying to inform both people from Iraq and America that we are being lied to by our goverment. Bush has lied about every aspect of the war in Iraq, the events of 911 and everything inbetween. Bush has brainwashed the American public into several unprovoked wars. He should not only be tried as a war criminal and dealt with accordingly.Bush's assets and his cohorts assets should be freezed along with their corporations assets and given to a uncorropted Iraqi goverment as compensation for the destruction and death we have caused in that land. The general American public does not want control of a forign land or want to murder their people or steal their possesions. Most Americans, like myself just want to make it through college and live average lives. Our goverment is corrupt to the core and I am afraid that even if the public knew the truth, there is not anything we can do about it.
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